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Pregnancy Vs. Body Pillow: Know The Difference

Pregnancy Vs. Body Pillow: Know The Difference

Pregnancy is a time when women need to be in their best health. They also need to take extra care of themselves and their baby. Although there are a lot of things that they can do during this period, there are many things that they need to do. One is using body pillows because they feel they might harm their unborn babies. But the truth is, pregnancy pillow are actually beneficial for pregnant women and babies, especially during the last trimester. In this article, we will talk about why you should use pregnancy pillow vs body pillow while expecting!

What is a Pregnancy Vs. Body Pillow?

A pregnancy pillow is a specially designed pillow that can be used to provide support to your body when sleeping. It is available in different shapes and sizes, each with its unique features.

Pregnancy pillows are often shaped like an "L" or "U," with the long part of the letter placed between your legs when you lie down on your side. This allows you to rest your head on top of it while supporting yourself simultaneously. They are especially helpful if you have trouble sleeping because of your changing body.

body pillow can also be used during pregnancy. Still, it's not quite as specific since they aren't necessarily made just for this purpose (although many will advertise themselves as being good for pregnant women). Body pillows come in different shapes and sizes depending on what kind of support they provide-many people choose them because they're comfortable to hold while sleeping, but others prefer to use them under their heads or between their legs instead of directly on top of their bodies.

How Do They Work?

Body pillows come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. They can help you sleep better at night by supporting your head and neck or providing a soft place for your body to rest as you lay on your side. The pregnancy pillow is also a body pillow that helps pregnant women sleep comfortably through the night by supporting their growing bellies.

Pregnancy pillows are designed specifically for pregnant women experiencing aches and pains from carrying extra weight during pregnancy. They provide comfort by keeping the spine aligned so that joints have less stress during sleep (this helps reduce back pain). These pillows also help keep hips at an angle that allows proper blood flow through veins while sleeping flat may cause circulation issues, which could lead to varicose veins or other problems later in life!

How To Choose Between The Two?

When choosing between a pregnancy and body pillow, you may consider your sleeping position. If you are a back sleeper, a body pillow will work better since it supports the spine and neck from behind. However, if you sleep on your side or stomach, a pregnancy pillow might be more comfortable as it supports both sides of the body while resting on either one or two knees (depending on how much space there is).

If budget is an issue, then choose between these two by considering how much money each type costs as well as their overall quality in terms of materials used to make them (i.e., cotton vs. polyester), size/shape/density (soft vs. firm), cover material(s) used for protection purposes during cleaning processes such as washing machine cycles, etc.

  • David Berko
Is A Mattress Protector Necessary? Yes! Here's Why

Is A Mattress Protector Necessary? Yes! Here's Why

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you didn't use a mattress protector? Do you know how much money it can save you? A mattress protector doesn't just protect your mattress; it also keeps your body temperature even while you sleep. It's easy to forget about this important accessory. Still, if you want your bed to last as long as possible, it's worth considering why a mattress protector is necessary!

Keeps Your Mattress Clean

The most obvious benefit is that you can keep your mattress clean. You can sleep in peace knowing that no matter what happens on the outside of your bed, it will stay there and not transfer onto your sheets or comforter. This is especially important if one or more family members have allergies or asthma, as they may be sensitive to dust mites and other allergens present in other types of bedding materials like cotton sheets.

Protects Your Mattress From Dust Mites And Allergens

If you have allergies or asthma, a mattress protector can greatly protect your health. Dust mites are microscopic bugs that live in your bedding and cause allergic reactions when inhaled. A mattress protector will keep them from getting onto the surface of your mattress and causing problems for you, which means less sneezing and wheezing during allergy season!

The same goes for allergens like pollen or pet dander: these particles can get trapped under the sheets, especially if they're made of cotton-and then they'll irritate sensitive skin when it comes into contact with them throughout the night (or day). Putting on an encasement before bedtime, however, there'll be no chance of exposure!

Protects Your Mattress From Stains And Spills

Protecting your mattress from stains and spills is one of the most important benefits of a mattress protector. If you have pets or children, it's likely that at some point in time, they will spill something on the bed. A good quality protector should be able to handle this type of situation without causing any damage to your expensive mattress underneath it.

Helps Extend The Life Of Your Mattress

A mattress protector can help extend the life of your mattress. By protecting it from spills, stains, and other accidents, you can keep it in good condition for longer. This means that when you need to replace the mattress (if it's still not working well), it will be easier to sell if needed because they'll look brand new! A good quality protector will last for years and help keep your mattress from becoming damaged or stained by sweat, dirt, and fluids that may seep onto your bedding during sleep. This means you can use one protector for many years before replacing it with another one!

It helps Keep You Cool And Comfortable At Night

If you've ever woken up in the middle of the night and felt like your mattress was too warm, a mattress protector can help. A good quality one will regulate your body temperature by helping to keep you cool and comfortable at night.

Mattress protectors are also great for people who sweat at night or suffer from night sweats. The breathable material will allow moisture to pass through so that it can evaporate quickly, ensuring that you don't wake up feeling clammy and hot.
  • David Berko
How Often Should You Replace Your Bath Towels?

How Often Should You Replace Your Bath Towels?

Bath towels are an essential part of your bathroom. You need them to dry off after a shower, and they can be used as a makeshift blanket if you have nowhere else to lay your head at night. However, knowing how often to replace towels is also important because it's a question of style, aesthetics, and practicality.

The Number Of People Using The Towel

If you're the only one who uses your towels, you can probably get away with replacing them every few years. But if multiple people are using them and they get laundered less often, it's better to go ahead and replace them after a few months or so. If you tend to bathe more than once per day, keep in mind that bacteria will build up on your bath towels much faster than if someone was only using theirs once or twice weekly!

You Can See Stains And Holes On Your Towels

Like most people, you have had a few bath towels in your bathroom for years. These towels might have been great when they were new, but over time they'll start to show wear and tear and eventually need to be replaced. You may also notice that some of the threads are starting to come loose from the fabric or small holes are forming in certain areas of the towel (usually near seams). If this happens with one or two of your bath towels, it could just be a sign that those particular ones need replacing soon.

You Have Strong Smells Coming From Your Towels

If you have strong smells coming from your towels, it's time to replace them. Bacteria and mildew can build up in towels over time, making them smell bad. If you're unsure if your towels are harboring unpleasant odors, place them in a dryer on high heat for 15 minutes with an equal amount of baking soda and vinegar (or lemon juice). If the smells don't come out after running through this cycle twice, it's time to get new ones!

Your Towels Are Discolored

If your towels are discolored, it's time to replace them. It's not necessarily a sign that the towel is no longer useful-it could be just an aesthetic issue. But if you think about how often we wash our towels in hot water (which removes color), it makes sense that they would start to fade over time. If this happens, there's nothing wrong with buying new towels!

You Want A Change Of Style

This is the most common reason people replace their towels. You may have a favorite color or print, but after years of use, it's time for something new. You'll probably notice that your old towels are faded and worn out by now, so why not give them a new lease on life with a fresh look? If you're looking for inspiration when choosing new designs, plenty of options are available for purchase online.

Their Decorative Value Is Questionable

You may have bought your towels for their decorative value, but remember: they're not art. If they're not functional, then there's no reason not to replace them with something more practical.

If you still want some color in the bathroom and don't want to go all-white, consider using colorful hand towels or washcloths instead of bath towels.

  • David Berko
Full Waterproof Mattress Protector: What To Expect

Full Waterproof Mattress Protector: What To Expect

The mattress is one of the most important parts of your home. It's where you get a good night's sleep and provides a comfortable surface to sit on when you need to relax. If you want to protect your mattress from dirt, stains, or liquids, an affordable waterproof mattress protector may be right for you! In this article, we will cover everything there is to know about waterproof mattresses: their benefits and how they can help keep your bed clean.


Versatility is a key feature of the waterproof mattress protector. You can use it on your bed, but you can also use it on any other furniture that might get wet--even if it's not a mattress! It will protect against spills and leaks from anywhere in the house, so you can rest easy knowing your furniture is safe from damage.

Waterproof And Dust-Proof

The first thing to know is that waterproof and dustproof are two different things. The former refers to the mattress protector's ability to prevent water from seeping through. The latter refers to its resistance against dust mites and other allergens that can affect your health. In order for a protector to be called "waterproof," it must be able to withstand continuous contact with liquids at all times without any leakage whatsoever. This means that if you spill something on your bedding or have an accident in your sleep, no liquid should come through the coverings onto your mattress below it-and neither should any moisture build up inside either! The material used in making these products is usually polyester or cotton, which allows air circulation so that moisture does not accumulate inside them easily. This also means that dust mites cannot live in them either!

Adjustable Fit

Adjustable Fit is a feature that allows you to customize your waterproof mattress protector to fit your mattress perfectly. You can adjust the length and width of the fitted sheet by pulling or pushing on the elastic straps at one end of the protector. This will allow you to ensure that no part of your mattress is exposed, no matter how much you move during sleep.


Cooling is a big factor in choosing the right mattress protector. The best waterproof mattress protectors will help keep you cool and dry throughout the night, which is especially important for people who have sensitive skin or sweat at night. The most effective ones have breathable fabrics that allow air to flow through them, keeping you from getting too hot or sweaty while you sleep.

Some models even have built-in cooling technology, such as gel packs that absorb heat from your body and moisture from spills (like spilled liquids), so they can do double duty: keeping you dry while keeping things cool!

To Keep The Mattress Clean

If you have a waterproof mattress protector and are worried about keeping the mattress clean, don't be! This is one of the main reasons people buy these protectors in the first place they want to be able to wash them often without having to worry about damaging their expensive mattresses.

Regularly vacuuming around your mattress is the best way to keep it clean. If there are any stains, treat them with an enzyme cleaner before washing your protector as directed on its label.


The waterproof mattress protector is also noiseless. You won't hear any crinkling or rustling when you move around or change positions in bed, which can be annoying when trying to sleep.

  • David Berko
A Step-By-Step Guide To Making Your Bed Like A Hotel

A Step-By-Step Guide To Making Your Bed Like A Hotel

The Bedroom is one of the most important rooms in the house. It's where we go to sleep and rest after a long day. It's also where we catch up on our favorite TV shows or read a good book. When making a bed like a hotel, you don't have to spend money on fancy sheets or duvets that cost thousands of dollars. Today, we will show you how to create this same kind of experience at home with just a few simple steps.

Start With The Sheets

While you can easily find a comfortable blanket and pillow, sheets are essential to making your bed like a hotel, and they have to be just right. The first thing to consider is material-you want something soft but not too soft (like cotton), durable enough to last through many uses and washes, easy on sensitive skin (like silk or satin), machine washable (so no hand washing required), affordable enough that you won't mind replacing them every few years or so as they wear out over time. Ensure your sheet set includes both top sheet(s) and bottom sheet(s). You'll also need pillowcases-one for each pillow in your bed (unless you're using European style pillows).

Smooth Out Any Wrinkles Or Creases

This is the most important step because you want to ensure that your sheets are as smooth as possible before putting them on the bed. If there are any wrinkles, they'll show through when you're finished, and they will look sloppy. This can be done by simply rolling back and forth over them with your hands until they feel flat, but if there are still some folds and creases after this step, then try using an ironing board with a dryer sheet underneath (or something similar) to press out any remaining creases.

Pick A Design

Once you've decided on the size and shape of your bed, it's time to choose its look. If you want an elegant hotel feel, try picking a crisp white duvet cover set with matching shams (pillowcases) in either light blue or pink-this will give off the impression that someone has just made up your room for guests. If minimalist is more your style, then opt for solid black sheets and pillowcases in addition to some simple accent pillows in different colors around the headboard and footboard of the bed frame.

Now, The Comforter And Pillow

The comforter should be placed on top of the bed with its right side facing down (i.e. if you're looking at your pillow from above). The length of your bed should determine how much excess fabric there is around it; if it's too short, just fold up some extra blanket at the bottom until everything looks right. Next comes your pillow-make sure this is also in place before proceeding!

Add A Few Decorative Pillows

Adding a few decorative pillows to the middle of the bed is a great way to add some flair while giving you something soft to rest your head on if you want to nap during the day.

Pillows are also great for making your bed look more comfortable-and who doesn't want their home to look as cozy as possible?

Adjust The Bedscape

It's time to adjust the bedscape. The bedscape is what you see when you look at your bed from a distance, so it should be tidy and inviting. If there are clothes on the floor or papers strewn about, now's the time to pick them up!

  • David Berko
8 BBQ Essentials To Upgrade Your Grilling Game

8 BBQ Essentials To Upgrade Your Grilling Game

The BBQ season is upon us again, and it's time to prepare for some grilling. Whether you're a novice or a pro at fire and smoke, these BBQ essentials will make your kitchen more efficient and enjoyable. From thermometers to scrubbers, we've got everything you need to upgrade your grill game.

A Good Grill

A good grill is the first step to a great meal. If you're looking for something that will last, we recommend buying an outdoor gas grill with a side burner. This way, you can cook all your dishes simultaneously and still have room for those delicious sides!

A Meat Thermometer

meat thermometer is a must-have. It's the only way to ensure your meat is cooked to perfection, and it will save you from guessing whether or not it's done. These devices use heat waves that pass through thick objects like steaks and measure their temperature based on how quickly they return to normal after being warmed up by the grill. This means no more burnt fingers!

A Cleaning Brush

A cleaning brush is essential for any BBQ. It's used to brush off excess food and grease from the grill, which can otherwise burn and cause smoke. It also helps remove burnt-on food that adheres to your grill grates, so they look as good as new after every use!

A cleaning brush should be made with high-quality materials resistant to heat and rusting. The bristles should be soft enough so they don't scratch your cookware or leave behind scratches on it either (which would make it harder for you to get rid of those pesky stains).

A BBQ Brush And Scraper

The purpose of a BBQ brush and scraper is to clean your grill. You can only cook food on a clean grill, so you must keep it clean. You can use them separately or together, depending on how much time you have and the effort you want to put into cleaning your grill.

Heat Resistant Gloves

Heat-resistant gloves are an essential tool for the grilling aficionado. They keep your hands safe from the grill's heat and prevent burns, which can be especially important if you have small children around who like to touch things. Heat-resistant gloves can also help keep your hands clean when handling raw meat or fish-a must for those who want to avoid cross-contamination with other foods.

Non-Stick Tongs/Spatula Set

You might have heard of non-stick pans, but it's time to get acquainted with their lesser-known cousin: non-stick tongs and spatulas. These tools are perfect for flipping burgers, moving hot dogs around, and scraping up the last bits of the barbeque sauce that have fallen onto your grill.

An Outdoor Refrigerator

An outdoor refrigerator is a must-have for summer BBQs. You can buy one or build your own, but this is the perfect way to keep drinks and food cold without running inside whenever someone wants something from the kitchen.

Grill Lights 

You can't cook if you can't see. Grill lights are a must-have for any serious griller, and they're not just for night grilling-they'll make your life easier during the day, too.

The best grill light attaches to your grill grate to stay put when you flip your meat. It should be bright enough to illuminate the whole cooking surface but not so bright that it blinds you when looking into the distance (this is easy).

  • David Berko